Evaluation of Diverse and Nutritious Climateresilient Crops (Finger millet) for Dietary Diversification in Marginal Environments


  1. Evaluate agronomic performance of African mini core collection of finger millet under varying soil salinity levels.
  2. Group finger millet accessions based on response to different salinity levels.
  3. Identify salt-tolerant finger millet accessions for further studies.

Project/Experiment Details:

Dates of Sowing: 14 January 2020

Experimental Design: Augmented design with checks repeated in each block

Genotypes: 75 test entries + 5 checks

Environments: 3 salinity levels (control (0 dS/m), 6 dS/m and 10 dS/m)

Nomenclature of the crop:

Common name: Finger millet
Scientific name: Eleusine coracana
Arabic name: Ragi