Workshop on Current Techniques in Genomics and Agriculture

Start date:
25 April, 2016
End date:
30 March, 2016

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, Dubai, UAE

The overall purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of many diverse activities in the field of plant genomics, transcriptomics and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and the prospects and applications of this research to biotechnology. The workshop will comprise short lectures and practical work in the laboratory.

The workshop will provide an opportunity to get hands-on experience in End-point & Real Time PCR - with tips on:

  • DNA/RNA preparation
  • Gene expression Data vs. Genotyping Data
  • Biomarkers in Agriculture and other Biotechnology Applications
  • Troubleshooting and Data Interpretation
  • Imaging techniques in cell biology

A few specific talks covering topics in the field of Genomics & Applications in Biotechnology and Agriculture will be also given.


International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Integrated Gulf Biosystems (IGB), Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Event Coordinator

Dr. Khaled Masmoudi, ICBA