Water and Soil Management in salt affected areas: practical solutions and tools

Start date:
2 June, 2020
End date:
2 June, 2020


The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the FAO Land and Water Division is organizing a series of webinars in collaboration with its Partners.

The working group on “Saline Agriculture”, under the framework of WASAG, is organizing a webinar titled "Water and Soil Management in salt affected areas: practical solutions and tools" to share knowledge and experience in addressing the multiple challenges related to agriculture of these zones. Aim of the Webinar is the understanding of major issues and the role that tailored soil management and irrigation techniques can play in ensuring food security in such areas. The webinar will bring together irrigation practitioners (researchers, Government officials, service providers) from around the world to showcase solutions and tools provided by their experience.

Some of the key aspects of the dialogue will be focused on global projects related to the practice of irrigation with brackish or saline waters, as well as innovative approaches and solutions in managing saline soils. Under the COVID-19 pandemic, unprecedented challenging conditions push the attention on how local food production can be enhanced by utilizing low-quality water and land resources, such as in salt-affected soils.


Moderator – Torkil Jønch Clausen, WASAG Chair

15:00-15:05 Opening remarks - Felix Britz Reinders, President ICID


  • Irrigation management under saline conditions. Marco Arcieri, ICID
  • Biosaline agriculture techniques: soil and water salinity in Cabo Verde. Angela Moreno, INIDA
  • Water management in land reclamation areas of southern Spain. Francisco Pedrero, CEBAS
  • Saline water management in land reclamation areas of northern Italy. Tommaso Letterio, CER
  • Q&A


  • International Network on Salt-Affected Soils (INSAS) and salinity mapping. Zineb Bazza, FAO
  • Show cases for managing saline soil. Ahmed El-Naggar, ICBA
  • Potentials of bio-based fertilizers in managing nutrients and soil properties in saline areas. Toth Gergely
  • Q&A
16:25-16:30 Closing remarks - Ana Laura Touza, FAO Rep Cabo Verde