Resilient Agrifood Dynamism through Evidence Based Policies - READY

Project Description

The project aims to analyze and improve the food security situation in the UAE through the development of a comprehensive analytical framework. The country faces challenges in ensuring food security due to limited water resources and increasing demand for food as its population grows. READY proposes an analytical framework with three classes of components: conventional and big datasets, methods and models, and indicators. The framework combines data with drivers and policies to produce intermediate results and compute food security indicators. The project also focuses on building the food system’s resilience to provide sufficient, adequate, and accessible food to all in the face of various disturbances.

READY also aims to enhance the resilience of the country’s food system by analyzing global drivers of change and assessing their impact on society, dietary habits of consumers, and food production. The project is developing innovative tools such as a vulnerability assessment tool, a set of policies, an early warning system, and a roadmap to guide the strengthening of the food system’s resilience.

ICBA worked on six case studies that represent the strategic crops for food security and nutrition (wheat, barley, cowpea, potato, quinoa, and dates). The outlook for these crops in the UAE is projected over 120 years, from 1980 to 2100; this is done using detailed datasets, crop dynamic models, and machine learning algorithms. The goal is to equip policymakers with the capacity to consolidate food security for citizens and residents, ensuring the food system’s sustainable and resilient dynamism.

Research Innovation Theme
  • Crop improvement and sustainable production
  • Climate change modelling and adaptation
Project SDGs
SDG 2: Zero hunger
SDG 13: Climate action
UAE’s citizens and residents
University of Wollongong in Dubai
December 2020 - December 2023
Project Lead

Dr. Khalil Ammar (

Project Region
Near East and North Africa
Project Countries
United Arab Emirates
  • University of Wollongong in Dubai
  • Ministry of Education
  • United Arab Emirates University
  • Food Safety Department of Dubai Municipality