Demonstration Plot for Perennial Crops


  1. Demonstrate the importance of various food, feed and ornamental plants
  2. Show the performance of various crops and their suitability for cultivation in the UAE.

Date of Sowing: 2019

Design: 8 different crops

  1. Sesbania سيسبان
  2. Castor الخروع
  3. Asparagus نبات الهليون
  4. Senna السنا
  5. Buffel grass السبط المهدب
  6. Blue panicum دخن ترياقي
  7. Distichlis ديستيكلس سنبلي
  8. Sporobolus نبات السرق


This experimental plot is used to show various crops that can grow under local conditions in the UAE. The crops include Sesbania, castor, asparagus, senna, Buffel grass, Blue panicum, Sporobolus virginicus and Distichlis spicata. The purpose is to:

  1. Demonstrate the importance of various food, feed and ornamental plants;
  2. Show the performance of various crops and their suitability for cultivation in the UAE.