Land degradation and soil management in salt-affected areas in Africa (French)

Start date:
22 أغسطس, 2016
End date:
21 أغسطس, 2016

Dakar, Senegal

Understanding the principles and methods of soil salinity assessment, mapping and management is important for planning agricultural development in Africa. The general objective of the course is to increase participants’ knowledge of land and soil management in Africa in an integrated approach.

The course will address the salinity development processes, establish the cause-effect relationship, and develop appropriate methods of constraint/stress alleviation, soil restoration and quality enhancement through an integrated soil reclamation approach in Africa. Participants will learn about soil salinity assessment and management essential for optimum crop production in saline environments, with a special emphasis on:

  1. Evaluating non-conventional water resources and land fertility of salt-affected areas; 
  2. Diagnosing and monitoring soil salinity;
  3. Analyzing soil salinity and sodicity in field and laboratory;
  4. Developing soil salinity and sodicity assessment program;
  5. Developing rehabilitation and management strategies for salt-affected lands; 
  6. Managing soil salinity at the farm level; 
  7. Developing soil salinity maps for salt-affected areas.
منسق التدريب

Ghazi Al-Jabri