Annual meeting of the CODRA project

Start date:
14 مارس, 2016
End date:
8 مارس, 2016

Beirut, Lebanon

The CODRA project targets the identification of vulnerable agro-ecosystems in selected countries in West Asia and North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa, namely Egypt (non-Nile agricultural communities), Yemen, Senegal, Lebanon and Mauritania. These countries were chosen as they represent a diversity of environments in the two regions and include those where ICBA has long and sustained field activities. The overall goal is to enhance livelihood, resiliency and income of agricultural communities most vulnerable to the impact of climate change these countries.

The objectives are to:

1. Identify agricultural areas most vulnerable to the impact of climate change in Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, Senegal and Mauritania;

2. Adapt and develop, according to past ICBA experiences, alternative sustainable and productive resilient systems that are relevant and can be easily adapted to the needs of poor rural populations living in dry/saline agro-ecosystems within areas most impacted by climate change;

3. Enhance rural family income through value addition to farm products/produce and market integration;

4. Determine the socio-economic impacts of climate change and disseminate adapted alternative production and management systems on the farming communities within the targeted regions;

5. Enhance knowledge and skills of poor rural people, particularly of women, in different climate-smart agricultural production systems and in value addition practices;

6. Enhance awareness at all levels of the impact of climate change and successful adaptation strategies for the target group (farmers, technical staff, policymakers, and local NGOs).


International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA), United Arab Emirates


NARS of Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen, Mauritania and Senegal