Biosaline agriculture as an approach to land restoration

Start date:
6 نوفمبر, 2023
End date:
9 نوفمبر, 2023

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This workshop will offer a set of comprehensive modules on land restoration in marginal environments through biosaline agriculture. The program will cover such topics as location-specific techniques for land restoration and stabilization in such environments. It will also provide an overview of the global impacts of climate change on natural vegetation and other things, the importance of crop biodiversity and integrated cropping systems, sustainable land and water resources management measures, and other important topics related to marginal environments such as salinity management. Moreover, it will present the options of using salt-tolerant food and feed crops and agroforestry systems for soil rehabilitation and salinity mitigation as well as for saving freshwater resources.

Participants who complete the course will understand:

  • The impacts of climate change at a global scale;
  • Global land biodiversity and utilization and the identification of the climatic and environmental conditions in arid regions;
  • Biodiversity for marginal lands with a special emphasis on salt, drought, and heat stresses;
  • Agricultural biodiversity benefits for land restoration and the development of biological intervention options for land restoration;
  • Irrigation requirements and management for different crops;
  • Management of soil nutrients and fertilization requirements with soil sampling methods and analysis;
  • Land restoration and integrated management procedures.

The workshop is designed for:

Experts, technicians, extension officers, and university students working and/or studying in fields related to crop and natural resources management systems (CNRM) with a particular focus on biosaline agriculture. Participants should be able to disseminate their knowledge on alternative solutions among smallholder farmers afterwards and enable them to meet their food and feed needs in the context of climate change.


Kindly apply for this workshop by submitting this form by 15 August, 2023. There is limited space, so please apply as soon as possible. 

Please note that the GLI has some funding to support the participation of delegates for the training workshop.  If you need funding to be able to attend, please be sure to fill out the relevant questions mentioned in the registration form.

  • International Center for Biosaline Agriculture
  • G20 Global Land Initiative
Dr. Ahmed H. El-Nagger, Soil Management Scientist
Dr. Asad Sarwar Qureshi, Senior Scientist – Water and Irrigation Management
Dr. Henda Mahmoudi, Plant Physiologist
Dr. Khalil Ammar, Program Leader on Sustainable Natural Resources Management, Principal Scientist – Hydrology/Hydrogeology
Dr. Mohammed Shahid, Geneticist
Dr. R.K. Singh, Section Head, Program Leader on Crop Diversification and Genetics, Principal Scientist – Plant Breeding
Mr. Rashyd Zaaboul, Modeler – Climate Change
Dr. Zied Hammami, Agronomist
منسق التدريب

Ghazi Al-Jabri, Capacity Development Specialist, ICBA